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London was my home base up until I was 27. As a city girl, I had the fortune of exploring my Finnish roots each summer to work at the family’s farm, was able to see life from a very different perspective. 


What lead my path to becoming a Five Element Acupuncturist? 

Acupuncture has gifted me with the tools to be the true & best version of myself. It has lifted me out years of debilitating physical pain where I was faced with a spinal injury in 1997 & infused that with a path of countless addictions to escape my colourful toxic upbringing & choices in order to survive. 


Episodes of being bedridden for days, losing the ability to physically stand combined with heavy addiction. I truly felt lost on every level, had no sense of direction or control in how I could stop the pattern of dependency that only worked at a surface level. I continued to slip into clinical depression, they were testing times. I was a slave to ongoing treatment that created even more issues in my body as I continued to self-medicate to manage my pain. I was struggling on a very deep level with toxic choices. 


In 2005 I relocated to Thailand in pursuit of my passion & love of wellness with a focus on dedicating my life to exploring true health & life balance. I was desperately searching for a solution to bring me to peace with my health, I wanted to treat the root cause of all that I was carrying. In 2008 I was faced with another episode of sciatica, acupuncture then found me, I decided to take a leap of faith & had my very first treatment, this was a life-changing moment. Over a course of effective acupuncture sessions, all symptoms – the additive habits, depression, sciatica, suicidal thoughts, ache, insomnia, low libido, the disconnect with myself & the world, were completely eradicated. 


With the assistance of Five Element Acupuncture, it built a true sense of where my path should flow into & transitioned stepping into the world of Chinese medicine as a certified practitioner.

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